Imagine eating a book, map, magazine, etc. and being able to retain the information in it? Imagine also that you are part of a not quite human society ruled by rather draconian patriarchs, and daughters are basically passed off to other bookeater families to ensure their lines continue.
Oh, but there’s a twist. Not all children born are book eaters. Some come out as mind eaters: which is a source of great shame for The Family.
This is the premise of Ms. Dean’s The Book Eaters. We follow the story of Devon, a young woman who is desperately trying to find some resolution to sticky situation of having a mind eater child, and has escaped The Family.
I’m not sure who recommended this marvelously dark novel to me, but I loved it. There is oodles of intrigue, espionage, and a fair amount of unbridled panic, as Devon tries to find a hidden family that could have the Redemption she needs to help her son.
One of my favorite things about this novel was Ms. Dean’s use of flashbacks to help flesh out Devon’s education and situation. Through this, we learn that what has been accepted as the history of record regarding certain events definitely isn’t.
While she is a wild and unruly character, it is very easy to sympathize with Devon. She is definitely a victim of her own circumstances, and, honestly, not very likable throughout most of the story, but does develop a sideways sort of redemption when everything goes down towards the end.
I would definitely love to read another novel set in this particular universe.