Month: July 2018

Slacking off already?!?!

Yep, there is nothing quite like launching a new content channel and then slagging off for almost two weeks. I’d like to say I had a good excuse, but really I was slacking off with the Mrs. down in Southeast Georgia.

It’s Not All Just Decals…

Sure, just about 90% of the stuff I pump out is bookish-related, but there are some aspects of the great work I get to do that I don’t share very often just because it isn’t very germane to about 90% of my audience. One of the greatest things I get to do is help create and cut stencils for one of the best motorcycle and automotive painters/restorers in the Dallas area.

Origin Story

Professional Reader   Reviews Published

I have spent the last couple of years building up the 23rd Legion without really knowing what I wanted to do with it. The first thought was to pull together a collective of creatives and see where that went. That went pretty much nowhere.

Since I have a history of helping online communities get their feet, the second incarnation was sort of a “one-stop shop” for everything you might need to get your online presence established. That kinda flopped, too, as social media helped make those tools easy peasy for everyone to use. I applauded that and waited for the next pivot.

Then came Red Rising.