Author: Justin Bowers

Justin is a purveyor of fine code, a collector of many many things, and a sympathetic reader. Aside from here, you can find his inane rantings on Bluesky at or on Goodreads. Justin can be reached here.

Echoes of the Imperium (Tales of the Iron Rose #1) by Nicholas & Olivia Atwater

** This book was provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review **

It’s the end of the year, and I’m looking for something amusing and Fantasy to pick up to get me into the first bit of 2025. I was perusing synopses, and one caught my eye: pirate goblin with a ragtag group of swashbuckling/steampunk adventurers.

Yeah, I was hooked.

The engaging thing about Echoes of the Imperium is that it hit the ground running and spalled off lore, history, world-building and character development while we were in the throes of getting this adventure going.

William Blair is a goblin who went from being a lowly young cabin boy to the captain of his own airship: the Iron Rose. Wil, and his very eclectic crew have a very unique history and are attempting their best at trying to eke out a living in a post-Imperium world that isn’t always the most sympathetic to their cause.

Wil’s closest friends, and confidants, however, are his ever-supporting crew, and they will do just about anything for their captain.

The real adventure in Echoes of the Imperium kicks of in a two-fold action that gets the Iron Rose in a bit of a pickle. First, Wil agrees to deliver a “no questions asked” shipment of “something,” while, at the same time, takes on a mysterious passenger who seems to need to be getting out of town rather quickly: Miss Hawkins.

Oh, this is very important to know going into this. This world revolves around subservience and worship of the Seelie Fae. That little twist really carries a lot of weight on the history of this realm, as well as to the impending future of survival and conflict.

I’ll cut right to it: I loved this book. The characters were all beautifully developed, and a lot very likable. There were sufficient flaws that helped drive the story along while not being the typical cliches that often get thrown into High Fantasy. The dialogue is very diverse, and random enough to build a nice, tightly woven, story with an excellent variety.

To me, the characters were very autonomous. I never felt that I was on a predestined path, aside from the few parts that were actually intended to be that way.

Echoes of the Imperium is, already, one of my top reads of 2025. I cannot wait for the continued adventures of the Iron Rose, and I’m really dying to see what kind of pickles Wil and his crew can get into going forward.

The epilogue, alone, set the state for much more sinister things rising up in the future. I’m here for it.

Onyx Storm (The Empyrean #3) by Rebecca Yarros

I’m just going to cut straight to the meat of this. I loved this book, and think it’s the best, so far, of The Empyrean series. I know there are a lot of “hot sports opinions” out there about this book, but that does nothing to diminish the collective impact this story, and this series, have had on readers and booksellers.

Does. Ms. Yarros write “important” literature in the series? Absolutely not. What it is, however, is fun as hell. The tropes and situations are all familiar, but it’s that cozy kind of familiar that leaves the reader fulfilled while not flexing the little grey cells too much. Granted, Onyx Storm, more than the other two, generates quite the flurry of conspiracies and fan theories in its wake. Yes, I have my theories, but I’m not even about to put those in writing on a book that came out two weeks ago, and is still flying off shelves so fast that sellers can’t keep it in stock.

Seeing all three books in the first, second, and third slot on the New York Times Best Sellers list is a force to be reckoned with.

What I do want to talk about a bit is the larger impact of Onyx Storm (or as we call it in my circles: The Dragon Book, Black Dragon Surprise, Dragon-palooza, and many more even more silly).

Ms. Yarros is getting people to read and talk about this. From some circles of readers I’m hearing there is too much war, and not enough sex, and from other circles quite the opposite. What is still happening, though, is that they are reading these books and talking about them. Outside of the weird fandom circles I tend to find myself in, I’ve only really seen that happen about a couple of books/series over the past few years. First of those are the Sarah J. Maas books that seemed to bring all of the Romantasy folks out of the woodwork. If you’ve got a few hours, I’m happy to regale you with how much I dislike those books, and dislike how they still occupy headspace with me, but that’s another discussion. Second have been the Murderbot books by Martha Wells. If you haven’t read them, get on that right now. The third have been Travis Baldree’s Legend & Lattes books. All three of these series (I guess four I am now including the dragons) are so incredibly different, but they are having an impact that I can’t help but enjoy.

Because of this visibility, I now have friends, I had no idea were readers, asking for my recommendations and what I’ve liked over the past couple of years. I’m seeing folks who have been pretty regular in their genre selections branch out and try new things because others around them are talking about it. That kind of behavior is win-win for everyone.

Circling back to Onyx Storm, it’s been very interesting to see how it’s been received, and how it’s being talked about. This book definitely expanded the worldbuilding in a major way, and really pushed emotional limits. Yeah, the Violet/Xaden thing is the main course, but my favorite parts of the series, and especially this book, have been the growth and utilization of the secondary characters. Without Ridoc, for example, this book would probably fall a little flat. Same with the expansion of Aaric’s character.

Yes, there are, allegedly, two more books left in this series, and a million conspiracies floating out around the web as to where we are going next. Hell, Ms. Yarros, herself, said that she hasn’t even started blocking the story yet. Is that frustrating, yes, but just imagine how incredible the community buzz will be when we get our next fix.

Wake Up and Open Your Eyes by Clay McLeod Chapman

One of the most enjoyable things about picking up the new offering from Mr. Chapman is that you never know what you are going to get. Ghost Eaters put a lot of folks off fungi, Whisper Down the Lane brought back a whole lot of PTSD surrounding the “Satanic Panic,” and I’m not even going to go into the crustacean trauma surrounding What Kind of Mother that I still have.

Wake Up and Open Your Eyes did not disappoint in the slightest.

The story opens innocently enough. Noah Fairchild is a liberal family man living in Brooklyn who has distanced himself a bit from his Richmond, Virginia family after their years-long slide into the far-right cable media. When Noah’s mother leaves a voicemail rambling about the “Great Reawakening,” and Noah can’t reach her for clarification; he gets a tad concerned and sets out for Virginia to get to the bottom of this.

What Noah finds is an utter nightmare, that, it turns out, isn’t just confined to his family: people across the country appear to be infected with a media-fueled demonic possession; fueled by exposure to television, apps, and other content.

One of the things I appreciated the most in the presentation of this story was the implied multimedia presentation of the situation. Switching between recounts of TikTok feeds, news reports, personal videos, and other sources, the reader gets a quick snapshot of the insanity that seems to be spreading though the nation. The fever dream inclusion of Anderson Cooper as an imaginary narrator at one point really just drives the insanity aspect of this story home.

Plus, I have to add, I picked one hell of a week to binge this one: the transition of power in the US government.

As always with Mr. Chapman, Wake Up and Open Your Eyes is very worth picking up. It’ll very much make you question where the “sickness” comes from. Just a bit of FYI, it has absolutely every single content warning that one might be able to think of. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean

Imagine eating a book, map, magazine, etc. and being able to retain the information in it? Imagine also that you are part of a not quite human society ruled by rather draconian patriarchs, and daughters are basically passed off to other bookeater families to ensure their lines continue.

Oh, but there’s a twist. Not all children born are book eaters. Some come out as mind eaters: which is a source of great shame for The Family.

This is the premise of Ms. Dean’s The Book Eaters. We follow the story of Devon, a young woman who is desperately trying to find some resolution to sticky situation of having a mind eater child, and has escaped The Family.

I’m not sure who recommended this marvelously dark novel to me, but I loved it. There is oodles of intrigue, espionage, and a fair amount of unbridled panic, as Devon tries to find a hidden family that could have the Redemption she needs to help her son.

One of my favorite things about this novel was Ms. Dean’s use of flashbacks to help flesh out Devon’s education and situation. Through this, we learn that what has been accepted as the history of record regarding certain events definitely isn’t.

While she is a wild and unruly character, it is very easy to sympathize with Devon. She is definitely a victim of her own circumstances, and, honestly, not very likable throughout most of the story, but does develop a sideways sort of redemption when everything goes down towards the end.

I would definitely love to read another novel set in this particular universe.

The Initiates by Ryan Hyatt

** This book was provided to me by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review **

This book tackles a lot, and it starts out pretty innocuous. Myles Harper is a recent high school graduate, and he has no idea what he wants to do with his life. It’s 2036, the earth is in a climate crisis, the United States has split in a few ways, and folks are generally miserable. Welcome to Mr. Hyatt’s world of the Terrafide. There are a few books that precede The Initiates, but it’s not vital you revisit those before you read it.

What you will quickly learn, is that while Myles is trying to figure out what he is going to do with his life, He has decided to apply to Camp Friendly Forest as a camp counselor for the Summer.

Ever charismatic, Myles charms his way through his interviews and ends up in charge of a cabin of young boys in the mountains, and starts to learn how to interact with his fellow camp counselors to keep this well-oiled machine running.

As Myles gets settled in and starts to form bonds with his camp crew, we pan to Oakland, California where Henrik Gustavo (Gus) is meeting up in a diner with a blast from his past: Alice Walker.

If you’ve read other Terrafide books, you know all about Alice. If not, let’s just say that she knows everything that is going on in the world far before it occurs. Read The Psychic’s Memoir (Terrafide #2) to get up to speed on Alice and Gus’ history.

Alice puts Gus in an uncomfortable position by passing out, and he is forced to flee with her unconscious body.

That’s when Alice’s first Bestagram post in ten years pops up on Gus’ screen: changing everything for everyone.

I’m going to stop there with the recap other than to say that in a wild set of situations, the planet gets attacked by these weird space bear/dog monsters called the Kiaskis, and all hell breaks loose for both the campers and Gus and Alice. I like to think of the Kiaskis as resembling the monsters from Attack the Block, but that’s just my visualization.

Per usual, Mr. Hyatt really nails the pacing of this story. Jumping back and forth between Gus’ adventures and the campers really puts a multi-focal view on how time is unfolding, and you can see both storylines careening toward some sort of end.

The characters are all very well-rounded, and masterfully developed to lean on their strengths. The Camp Friendly Forest crew learn very quickly about teamwork, and how to rely on each other in this time of crisis.

The Initiates was a very enjoyable read, and I really hope there will be a follow-up to continue the paths of these intrepid adventurers. Knowing Mr. Hyatt, I’m sure he has something in the works.

The Reckoning (Zodiac Academy #3) by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

Well, this was the one that broke the camel’s back. I’m done with this series taking up any more of my time, and I have no earthly idea why this series got popular.

I was really hoping, by book three, that some sort of writing improvement might have started to develop. No dice. Ms. Peckham and Ms. Valenti could really benefit from having an editor look at their work. Books one, two, and three could have been a single novel with some moderately decent pacing instead of clones of one another. All of this shit and each book covers the span of about a week each?!?!

I know that the intention is to make Tory and Darcy seem like progressive strong young women, but there is far too much willing subjugation for that to hold any water. The flingy flip-flopping over the Heirs is just so incredibly cringe. These aren’t much more than re-hashings of the Gor books.

I’ve been told that the later books “get better,” but I wonder what the bar is. I won’t be finding out because I’ve already wasted far too much time on this drivel.

Such promise squandered on shitty writing, shitty character development, and a total lack of pacing. I’m sure the fan-fic is far superior to the source material.

Ruthless Fae (Zodiac Academy #2) by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

My god, why do I keep reading these books. I was really hoping for a bit of an improvement from the first book, but that just didn’t happen. If anything, the ridiculous extremes from the first book magnified here. The heirs are still dicks, only now they are just that much more dickish! The poor Vega twins are still rattled and confused and slide right into their victim roles despite showing slight sign of the toughness and independence they claim they are based in.

I think what bugs me the most about this series is the pacing. I churn through loads of pages, but barely any time passes, and nothing really goes on. Half of this book could have ended up on the editor’s floor (I’m making a bold assumption that there was an editor at all), and the story would have been unaffected.

Ahh, but this book does have something that the first doesn’t: more violence against women, more role manipulation, more racism, and more inappropriate posturing.

I honestly don’t know if I’m going to be able to make it through this entire series. If it wasn’t for the other books that I’m reading concurrently, I would have already abandoned this folly. At this point, I guess all I have to look forward to is seeing if it’s the Vegas or heirs who crack first, and to see who dies (someone better die).

Lightfall (The Everlands Trilogy #1) by Ed Crocker

** This book was provided to me by St. Martin’s Press & NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review **

Lightfall is a book about vampires, werewolves and sorcerers. In fact, it might be the most innovated novel about vampires, werewolves and sorcerers that I’ve read in decades, and I do not say that lightly.

Mr. Crocker has managed to create a world of immortals and make the reader worry about their humanity. This book really tilts everything with its politics and hierarchy plays. That this is Mr. Crocker’s first novel is even more amazing. Some authors just have the gift right out the gate.

The city of Lightfall is a fallback haven for the vampires who were basically chased out of their primary city of First Light by the very mysterious Grays. Blood determines the rules, and if you are nobility, you have access to the powerful blood, and if you are a worn, you get basic stuff that causes you to show age over time. Nobody leaves Lightfall in fear of being killed by the Grays.

One problem, though. The city’s ruler’s youngest son is murdered, and by some ingenuity, and a lot of luck, palace maid Sam finds the only substantial clue. What entails pulls in a magic-less sorcerer cult, an apex predator werewolf, and a whole lot of mystery and intrigue.

This book is super high on my best books of the year list, and it doesn’t even come out until January 2025! The way Mr. Crocker has written each character’s point of view is masterful, and the worldbuilding is absolutely top notch. It’s been a very long time since someone brought something this dynamic to the genre without it falling back on cliche. This is a novel that came to me out of left field and I could not be happier.

Let me just tell you that the last quarter of Lightfall is an insane roller coaster that had me guffawing and gasping with each turn of the page. I absolutely cannot wait for book number two, and I will be giving many friends “raincheck” Christmas presents so I can get this in their hands come January.

The Awakening (Zodiac Academy #1) by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

I am reading this series because a very dear friend of mine suggested I check them out. She warned me that they would probably make me angry — she was correct — but I’m going to get through this drivel if it kills me.

Darcy and Tory Vega are twins who were apparently swapped with human children by their royal Fae family as babies to protect them. Now that they have been found by the Fae, they return to that realm to learn to tame their fantastic powers at the Zodiac Academy. The thing is, though, there are four ruling houses headed up by “The Heirs” who will take control of the realm since the ruling family was gone. The twins’ return threatens that. Broody hilarity ensues.

I guess I should start out with what I find wrong right off the bat. First, off, the girls have their Fae names of Gwendalina and Roxanya. Nobody ever questioned which one was which, and that drives me bonkers.

Second, “The Heirs” are total jerks, but Tory and Darcy go between loathing and loving them. This books rife with situations where one of the twins is being literally tortured, but oohing and aahing over their torturer’s chiseled abs or plump lips. It’s maddening to me.

There is some intrigue that I find interesting. Yes, the twins are overpowered and, per the formula, don’t have control of their powers. In fact, they don’t even know what “Order” of Fae they might be. I imagine that will pop up in an important passage in a later book. I also did appreciate that Ms. Peckham and Ms. Valenti set these characters as a tad older than this typical fare from other authors. It made some of the situations and experiences a tad more plausible.

The one thing that bugged me the most was how rapey everything surrounding “The Heirs” is. I mean these guys are on a serious power trip, and it always seems to go threateningly sexual. Can’t they just be mean?

Yes, I’m in for the long haul with this series just because there has to be some sort of redemption arc somewhere in there. If not, I’ll roast more of them.

House of Bone and Rain by Gabino Iglesias

“All stories are ghost stories.”

I’ve sat on reviewing this book for a couple of weeks. This isn’t because I didn’t like the book (I loved it), it’s because words about this book need to be thought out. House of Bone and Rain is wonderful horror writing, but it’s far more than that. Mr. Iglesias has managed to tuck a massive amount of social commentary into a novel about five pretty different teenage boys living in Puerto Rico seeking revenge while a hurricane is about to hit.

Now what I just wrote seems like a pretty standard plot approach, it’s the individual bits of it that make this so profound. Puerto Rico is a country with a fascinating culture and history. I won’t delve into to much here because that actually gives away some of the plot (I do hate spoilers), but there has always been a bit of an air of mystery surrounding the island.

As Bimbo and his friends seek out revenge against the biggest drug kingpin on the island, with a storm ready to strike, House of Bone and Rain begins it’s spiraling decent into chaos and madness.

My favorite thing about this novel is the timing between the supernatural and the hurricane. As Maria starts to swell, so do the strange things the boys encounter. This parallel really enhances the experience, and adds a significant degree of tension.

While I thought a couple of the side stories were just flavor to take a break from the insanity that the boys were undertaking, they turn out to fold right in and be some of the most significant aspects to what happens with Bimbo and his friends.

It’s not often that one finds harsh realities in a fantastical horror story, but Mr. Iglesias really delivers it here. The amount of grief and devotion just cannot be matched.